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John Short: a poem

The Words

Impossible to relax

as the inside of my skull

was stuffed with words

and it would be necessary

to release them somehow.

There was talk of inserting

a wire into the right ear.

They tried shaking me upside

down but the words rattled

like biscuits in a tin.

At home again they

slid around, whispering

more quietly now

like splinters of wood

inside an old guitar. I found

a pen, paper, scribbled down

the words, I just wanted

them out, out.

But the next morning

they were back.

We'll never go away they

said. Pleased to meet you

they said. They made me look

in the mirror. Talk to me

they said.

John Short lives in Liverpool, is active on the local poetry scene and is a member of Liver Bards. His poems have appeared in magazines like Poetry Salzburg, Envoi and The Blue Nib and his chapbook, Unknown Territory, was published by Black Light Engine Room press in June.



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