I Lick my Cat's Paws
Steadily, tenderly.
I missed their warm edam scent.
I dug him up from the back garden
and brought him back to life.
When I am sure no one is listening
I sing to him.
I think he likes Alanis Morrisette
but he might just be humouring me.
When he's not there
I scream my loudest scream
not minding the neighbours
who think I am in pain.
I work up a deeper scream;
high pitched is not for me.
I watch people through windows late at night.
I knock on their glass to see their expressions
and run away.
Running exhilarates me;
I laugh to catch my breath.
Inside again, I put on my boxing gloves
and punch the walls.
I marvel at the dents in the plaster
knowing that later I will draw round them
and name each one as an imaginary island
in its own smashed sea.
Sue Finch lives with her wife in North Wales. Her first collection, Magnifying Glass, has been published by Black Eyes Publishing UK. Her Twitter link is @soopoftheday.