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Annie Fisher: a poem

Kyoto Sonnet

Today I shared my favourite haiku with him.

He listened, although poems aren't his thing.

It's the one where the poet hears a cuckoo

and longs for Kyoto, even though he's

standing in Kyoto at the time.

I spoke about the way, for me, the poem

perfectly articulates the existential ache

anyone who has a soul must recognise.

He said, for him, the poem perfectly encapsulates

the limitations of the haiku as a form

and, furthermore, he thought the poet sounded

like a con artist. He made me laugh.

He always does. I didn't try explaining

how much, especially then, I longed for him.

This poem was first published in The Frogmore Papers, spring 2021. Annie Fisher’s background is in primary education, initially as a teacher and later as an English adviser. Now semi-retired she writes poetry for both adults and children and sometimes works as a storyteller in schools. She has had two pamphlets published with HappenStance Press: Infinite in all Perfections (2016) and The Deal (2020). She is a member of Fire River Poets, Taunton. You can find them here:

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